Tuesday, December 11, 2012

You win some, you lose some

I got together with a friend this weekend to do some holiday baking. In addition to the usual suspects, I decided to add in a few recipes I've discovered on Pinterest, such as http://pinterest.com/pin/170925748329109759/.

This came out pretty good - not great, but I think I know why. As in, I didn't follow the directions closely enough and didn't let the caramel thicken after it came to a slow boil. It's still tasty, just a little grainy. I'll definitely make it again.

We also tried to make this http://pinterest.com/pin/170925748328571631/. Granted, Lauren was making this, not me, so I'm not exactly sure what went wrong. She said once she added the mint to the white chocolate that everything got lumpy and she was no longer able to stir it. She did try to do it in a microwave vs. a double boiler, so maybe if I try it in the future I will use a double boiler in hopes of eliminating that particular issue.

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